
Dukascopy is now enhancing its trading opportunities by introducing two new indices to the MT4 platform. Investors with Dukascopy Bank and Dukasocpy Europe Live accounts and Demo users can take advantage of these freshly added instruments for their portfolios.

Dukascopy customers can add the Volatility Index (VOL.IDX) and the South Africa Top 40 Index (SOA.IDX) to their trading portfolio. Also, it had recently expanded the list of CFDs with 28 Stock CFDs from Mexico, the Volatiltity Index (VOL.IDX/USD) and the South Africa Index (SOA.IDX/ZAR) for users of the proprietary trading platform – Jforex.

Dukascopy is continuously advancing the capabilities of its premier JForex4 platform, offering traders access to an ever-growing selection of 1,160 assets. These tools span from popular Forex currency pairs and gold bullion all the way to cryptocurrencies, stocks & ETFs.

MT4 is a complimentary trading platform with a limited list of trading instruments. In the near future, Dukascopy plans to announce the MT5 trading platform launch.